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Movies from the good old days
YouTube videos, availability depends on the uploader
Willow Run tour
Women on the warpath
Body by Fisher
GM Proving Ground
'35 Pontiac Ad
Vacuum gear shift (1940)
The Fuel Trail (1935)
The last pre-war Pontiac (1941)
Esso in the 50's
Ford River Rouge Tour
Cool Hot Rod '53
1952 Hudson sales video
Examination of stolen cars
Precisely so (1937)- tolerances
1970 Ford LTD Commercial
1957 Cadillac Assembly
Tribute to Pontiac dealers
Future from the 40s
1951 GM Safety Film Part 1
1951 GM Safety Film Part 2
Ford's production in '72/'73
Ford's production in '72/'73
GM 1955 Body Beautiful
The Differential
A new look at selling - '56 Cadillac
The Jetaway has more getaway
GM Tech Center 1956
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